My Life Compass Coach - Dawn Sime - Your guide to navigating your life and career directions

Set your compass and begin the journey of your life

Benefits of Life and Career Coaching

My coaching program will help you to:
  • Define what you want in life
  • Reinforce your personal standards and values
  • Establish realistic goals and priorities
  • Devise action plans and strategies that get results
  • Create time and space for things you want
  • Learn to move through obstacles without procrastination
  • Keep focused, productive and on track
  • Establish clear understanding of your life and career needs
  • Make confident decisions about your life and/or career choices
  • Find the motivation and confidence to improve your life and/or career situation
  • Have the confidence and courage to put your plan into action
  • Create new perspectives about balancing your life and career
  • Build effective relationships - personal and professional

The coaching method

The journey through life is not like a business problem. It is filled with dreams and emotions, with outside influences and distractions. Yet it might surprise you just how beneficial it can be to apply some of the techniques that are so readily accepted in the business world to our private lives. The process of setting goals, taking action and measuring the results need not be as clinical or cold as it sounds. By using these techniques, my coaching will provide you with clarity of purpose, help you to select the direction you travel and make sure that you reach your destination.

Set Goals - Take Action - Perform

Once you have seen how clarity of purpose helps you to filter and navigate your way through life’s daily distractions, your confidence will grow and your actions will gain a momentum that will transform your life. It is often said that “nothing succeeds like success”. Working together, we are going to succeed. We will incorporate your dreams and goals into a life plan, giving you a new sense of purpose and pointing you in a direction that you have charted for yourself. We will successfully navigate through your action plan, taking one step at a time and all the while ensuring that you are staying on course.
Momentum - Transformation - Achievement


A coaching Welcome Packet is made available to all clients. Materials contained in the Welcome Packet are important to the client's growth throughout the coaching process. We will go over the contents of the Welcome Packet in detail. Certain valuable information about you, the client, is needed prior to your first coaching session.
"I didn't feel pressured to make changes, but having that little weekly "nudge" was enough to make those changes and implement the things in my life I know I needed to do. Dawn re-engaged my dreams and goals that laid dormant for a few years while I struggled through a down economy and a career slump. She helped me turn those goals into action plans that are now turning into reality!" - Brogan Kusske

“A long journey begins with the first step”

So let’s get started with a free 1-hour Intoductory Coaching Session! Contact Dawn now

Telephone: 603-216-2234 | Cell: 603-475-5226 |

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